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Divine Healing Christian Book - Digital Download

The book, Divine Healing Christian Book gives great insight into the disease and the scriptural approach to sickness, faith, and healing. As you read, all three aspects work together for divine healing.


As a strong Christian man of the faith, Andrew's book contention that when Jesus Christ spoke of sickness was always an evil caused by sin and that believers should be delivered from sickness. Because it attacks the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, he wrote that Christ took the soul and body upon Himself and redeemed both equally from the consequences of sin on the cross. Murray contrasts low-level Christians who enjoy no close fellowship with God, no victory over sin, and no power to convince the world with those who are “fully saved” and who want unceasing fellowship with God and are holy and full of joy. Justification and sanctification are thus divided as two separate gifts of God where sanctification is obtained through a new and separate act of faith. He taught that sickness is a visible sign of God’s judgment and that healing is granted according to the measure of the believer's faith.


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Divine Healing Christian Book

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