How to Stop Negative Thoughts? The word of God says to cast down vain imaginations 2 Corinthians 10:5. Not all thoughts are our own. We have good and evil, and we are spirits, and God and Satan both communicate through thoughts known as fiery darts and images through projections. In Ephesians 6:16 it says to take the shield of faith to put out the fiery darts. In Hebrews 5:13-14, we need to get off the milk and onto strong meat to discern the good and the evil.
What does it mean to discern the good and evil to stop negative thoughts? The enemy, which sounds like our voice, continuously throws fiery darts to kill, steal, and destroy your destiny, purpose, and calling through lies. Fiery darts are lies of Satan attacking our minds.
Video from Youtube. Healing Touch of Ministry is not the producer of the video.
Sometimes, we have dark thoughts, negative thinking, and depressed thoughts. As Christians, it is important to renew the mind with the Word of God. That way, we change our thinking to have the mind of Christ.
By: Traci Morin
