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Stop Human Trafficking

Writer: Teresa Marie MorinTeresa Marie Morin

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Help Stop Child Trafficking

Save the Children and Help Stop Child Trafficking / Modern-Day Slavery in the United States and Globally – How to Get Involved

Stop Child Trafficking in the United States – Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

Child Trafficking Statistics in the United States is the fastest-growing criminal underground business in the world: a $40 bill-a-year industry. This horrific crime is happening in our backyard, not just in other countries. How many enter the US is impossible to tally, but 800,000 estimated people are trafficked across international borders every year. Unlike drugs, humans can be sold repeatedly anywhere in the world. Sex slave trafficking is flourishing in the United States because courts are likelier to punish criminals for selling drugs than selling innocent children. Drug dealers can only sell drugs once, while sex traffickers can sell a woman or child for sex over 20 to 25 times a day.

Stop human trafficking - the largest slavery ever in our history
Stop human trafficking - the largest slavery ever in our history

Child Sex Trafficking – Save the Children – Victims of Human Trafficking

This is a worldwide disaster stripping the fundamental human rights and dignities of men, women, and children exploited by people making financial gains from using innocent women and children globally, especially with this administration allowing human trafficking to come over our borders.

How Victims of Child Sex Trafficking – Help Stop Human Trafficking

Child sex trafficking is a big business: Child abduction is organized by 1) Internet predators lurking for young girls in the United States, 2) kidnapped, or 3) runaway children picked up for commercial sex. In other countries, sex predators are deceived by offering the victims a better life, employment, educational opportunities, or marriage. Still, they are exploited for commercial sex, including prostitution, stripping pornography, and live sex shows. The human trafficking epidemic is the second biggest moneymaker in the world today. Some adults and child prostitutes are forced to service men 25 to 30 times a day. Some are trafficked for organ harvesting.

Interviewed on Gyrl Talk Live in regards to Human Trafficking problems with our youth

Dana Sanders interviewed DPD representatives Cathy Delapaz and Traci Morin. Cathy Delapaz shared about how they found these girls and boys used for Human Trafficking in the Dallas, Texas area. Traci Morin shared the global perspective but more on the Philippines. Watch the Video.

Sex traffickers use many ways to condition their victims of human trafficking, including subjecting them to:

  • starvation, denial of food or water

  • rape, gang rape,

  • physical abuse such as torture with burning cigarettes, battering, including hitting, kicking and pushing, beating,

  • confinement, tied up

  • threats of violence toward the victim and the victim’s family,

  • forced drug use,

  • denial of medical care or medications

  • rejection of contraceptives or condoms

  • denial of clothing or clothing other than “sex industry costumes.”

  • forced pregnancy or abortion

  • forced into humiliating or compromising situations so that photographs or videos can be made

  • forced participation in acts of violence against other victims

Psychological Effects of Child Sex Trafficking – Let's Stop Human Trafficking

Victims of human trafficking victims face physical risks, such as drug and alcohol addiction, contracting STDs, HIV, sterility, miscarriages, forced abortions, and vaginal and anal trauma, among others. Psychological effects include developing clinical depression, personality, and dissociative disorders, suicidal tendencies, and Post-Traumatic Stress. Touch of God Ministries is about ministering to the deeply wounded person. Help Stop Human Trafficking!

Who Exploits Women and Children of Human Trafficking

Did you know that terrorists use child sex trafficking and porn to fund their activities! Even cults, organized crime, mafia, gangs, etc., and government officials exploit women and children into modern-day slavery. Most human trafficking in the United States occurs in New York, California, Texas, and Florida, coming through port cities and Mexican borders through trucking, plane, ships, etc.

Who Pays For These Services of Modern-Day Slavery?

Government officials, prominent businessmen, porno movie houses, strip clubs, private escort services, etc., exploit women and children. Children as young as nine years old are used for child trafficking.

The borders of Mexico provide a pipeline to human traffickers and lure thousands of women from Europe with the promise of a good job and lifestyle. In other places around the globe, America is from Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

How To Stop Child Sex Trafficking!

Victims of Human Trafficking suffer violence and are kept in bondage through fear, intimidation, abuse, and psychological controls. Look for the following clues about Child Trafficking Victims:

  • Evidence of being controlled

  • Evidence of inability to move or leave the job

  • Bruises or other signs of physical abuse, brands indicate ownership

  • Fear or depression

  • Not speaking on own behalf and/or non-English speaking

  • No passport or other forms of identification or documentation\

  • Is not free to leave or come and go as he/she wishes

  • Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid

  • Avoids eye contact

  • Appears malnourished

  • Emotional distress such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, self-inflicted injuries, and suicide attempts

  • Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement, or torture

  • Loss of sense of time

  • Workers show signs of emotional abuse

How Many People Are Human Trafficked A year and Why Is There Human Trafficking (statistics from 2011 - much worse today):

  • 27 million people worldwide are slaves

  • 8.4 million are children, with the most significant numbers in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

  • 1.8 million children are forced into prostitution or pornography, with the most important number in India, Brazil, Thailand, and the Philippines.

  • The average age of victims of human trafficking and forced into sexual slavery is 13.

  • Children as young as five are sold into sexual slavery and forced to work in brothels.

  • Each year 1.2 million more children are forced into slavery – 3,000 a day.

  • Child slaves are forced to work in prostitution, agriculture, domestic servitude, mines, rice mills, brick kilns, factories, rock quarries, etc.

  • Child slaves are often forced to work 15 hours a day.

  • sex trafficking plays a significant role in the spread of HIV

  • An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect.

  • Human traffickers are increasingly trafficking pregnant women for their newborns. Babies are sold on the black market, where the profit is divided between the traffickers, doctors, lawyers, border officials, and others.

How You Can Help Victims of Child Sex Trafficking in the United States, Texas, Dallas, our Communities – Where Victims Become Overcomers

Touch of God Ministries wants to help stop Child trafficking and bring awareness, and we need your financial support by donations today to Help Stop Human Trafficking – Mod­ern Day Slav­ery in the Philippines and the United States. An evange­listic, humanitarian trip leaving October 21, 2012, and min­is­ter­ing to vic­tims of human traf­fick­ing. Our objec­tive are to rescue vic­tims (women and children) and:

  • An engage­ment of the whole gospel with the pre­sen­tation of the Lord Jesus Christ our Sav­ior and Healer integrated with Jesus and compas­sion expressed in prac­tical ways to sur­vivors through love and min­ister heal­ing and deliverance to restore them phys­ically, men­tally, spiritually and their broken hearts.

  • To expose and educate the Philippine people about the truth about Sex Slavery to help prevent parents from giving away their children to human sex traffickers who promise a better life (16% are traded in the United States).

  • Bring medicine and food to victims of human trafficking for those suffering from STDs, HIV, tuberculosis, and malnourished victims.

  • Create documentary videos by interviewing victims and parents in the Philippines and in the United States and share them back in the States to bring awareness in churches, college communities, schools, and hospitals.

  • Create training DVDs for emergency room nurses to recognize victims of trafficking to help rescue victims into shelters.

  • Create DVDs for schools to bring awareness of how predators use social media to kidnap children.

If you are a business, sponsor a “Corporate Championship.” Please give! Touch of God International Ministries invited to Gyrl Talk Live

The subject: Human Trafficking

Learn about the human trafficking problems in Dallas / Fort Worth. DPD representative Cathy Delapaz gave some great information about the issues and what they are doing to make the changes to stop the pain.




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