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What Happens after Kundalini Awakening Symptoms and Dangers

Writer: Teresa Marie MorinTeresa Marie Morin

Updated: 6 days ago

Learn what happens after Kundalini awakening symptoms and dangers after Yoga - history of Yoga, wrong types of meditation, Reiki, contemplative prayer, soaking prayer, opening the third eye, and other types of Modalities (occult or new age); some of these modalities are in the church. it is any type of occult or new age that can wake it up. What is the Kundalini spirit? Kundalini is a spirit of divination (serpent spirit) that loves to use your back as a runway to move up and down through seven chakras. Newagers use it to get secret knowledge through the seven chakras for illumination (crown above your head), which connects to the second heaven. New age medicine believes in balancing your body - Ying and Yang.

Another area that can wake it up is sex outside of marriage, trauma through rape also. Unfortunately, since Kundalini got into the church, I would think twice about going through a fire tunnel. Sometimes, Kundalini can transfer through the laying of hands if someone has it. Kundalini is a false Holy Spirit. Bottom line, it is disobedience to God's Word.

Astrology or False Predictions - Jeremiah 10:2; 27:9-10; Daniel 2:1-4; 4:7; 5:7-9

The practice of worshipping the sun, moon and stars (or “deities or demons associated with them”) - Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:2-5; 2 Kings 21:3, 5; Zephaniah 1:5; Job 31:26-28; Jeremiah 8:1-2

Heed God's Warning of Eternal ConsequencesThe book of Revelation (21:8) explicitly states that those who partake in magic arts will face the punishment of being cast into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, experiencing the second death. Furthermore, Galatians (5:20-21) makes it clear that individuals involved in witchcraft and sorcery will not be granted entry into the kingdom of God. These practices go against God's will and provoke rebellion against Him. It is crucial to steer clear of such pursuits as they lead away from the path of righteousness and toward a fate filled with eternal regret.

The Bible strongly warns against seeking guidance from mediums and spiritists, urging us to turn to God for the truth (Isaiah 8:19). Those who claim power in these arts are not gifted by God but are deceivers. The Bible repeatedly condemns and forbids these practices (Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 27:9; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24). Divination and spiritism are practices of the heathens and are despised in Scripture (Ezekiel 21:21; Isaiah 19:3; 1 Samuel 28). King Saul's downfall was attributed to consulting a medium instead of seeking God's guidance (1 Chronicles 10:13-14). Let us heed these warnings and trust in God for our guidance and direction. Too many consequences and infestation of demonic spirits.

What happens after kundalini Awakening symptoms and dangers
What happens after kundalini Awakening symptoms and dnagers

Learn What happens after Kundalini Awakening. Learn the Kundalini Awakening Symptoms and dangers of Kundalini Awakening, such as sickness and disease, mental torment, etc.

See Video Teachings below

The Kundalini warning for those who participate in Kundalini Awakening Symptoms – We are spiritual beings between the Kingdom of Darkness, Satan’s kingdom, and the Kingdom of Light, God’s kingdom. Adam and Eve were told not to eat the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Kundalini means to burn up. Learn about the spiritual awakening symptoms: The main symptoms are vibration, heat, extreme energy, uncontrollable twitching, and exhaustion. Another symptom is feeling disconnected from reality - this feeling comes from the wrong type of meditation of emptying the mind. Some people get it from someone with the spirit to lay hands on someone and can pass—fire tunnels when many people lay hands on you.

Not a Quick Fix

Seeking ministry for freedom from Kundalini requires dedication and patience. It is not a quick and easy fix but a journey towards deliverance. Just as you must remove all the bees surrounding a hive to reach the queen bee, you must also address the root of the issue to find true liberation. Let us guide you through this process and help you find the inner strength to overcome.

Soaking prayer can also cause problems. Watch watch happens after kundalini awakening Symptoms and Dangers

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms and Dangers – the Kundalini Symptom List.

  • Involuntary tingling, vibration, itching, crawling, or tickling sensation on the skin or inside the body.

  • The body can become frozen or locked.

  • Spontaneous, involuntary body movements (especially in the arms or legs), including shaking, jerking, trembling, flailing of extremities, rolling, or crawling on the floor.

  • Physical sensations start in the feet, legs, or pelvis and move up the back and neck to the top of the head, down the forehead, over the face, then to the throat and ending in the abdomen.

  • More severe dangers symptoms nclude uncontrollable pain in the body that ends abruptly (headache, migraines, neck, low back, abdomen, chest, and throat).

  • Internal noises such as whistling, hissing, chirping, roaring, flutelike sounds, instrumental music, or singing. Even hearing voices.

  • Negative energy: Cannot sleep because of the energy (vibrations, heat, or feeling cold, sweating, fire feelings, to pin needles).

  • After a surge of energy, energy loss - exhaustion, Impaired concentration, and memory loss.

  • Internal lights or colors illuminating parts of the body.

  • Titillation of the genital area, spine, or head.

  • Sudden, intense ecstasy, bliss, peace, love, devotion, joy, or cosmic unity.

  • Experiencing oneself as larger than the body or observing oneself, including one's thoughts as if one were a bystander.

  • With the extreme energy running through your body, tension or neck stiffness, and headaches.

  • Feeling of overpressure within the head like a band squeezing the head.

  • Intense fear, anxiety, oppression, depression, hatred, anger, or rage accompanied by stomach problems.

  • Mystical/religious experiences, revelations, and/or cosmic glimpses.

  • Psychotic breakdown.

  • Schizophrenic issues.

  • Experiencing slow, rapid, or irregular heart rate and increasead blood pressure.

  • Suicidal thoughts, urges to cut or self-mutilate, manic high spirits or deep depression, fear of death or insanity, mood swings, overwhelming waves of anxiety, anger, guilt

  • Mental Health Side Effects: Temporary mental confusion and difficulty with work tasks. Ritualistic behaviors. Impulsive desires to uproot one’s life. Feeling a connection with entities or guides from other dimensions. Psychotic symptoms, i.e., hearing sounds. Scattered thoughts, indecisiveness.

  • Physical sickness: EMP, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion.

  • Visual Problems: Temporary blindness or inability to focus. Diminished vision. Extreme sensitivity to light. Acute vision.

  • Other symptoms: twitching between the brows and jerking and twitching anywhere in the body that cannot be controlled.

  • Changes in Eating Patterns: Major appetite swings – may or may not impact weight.

  • Psychic awareness: Unusual synchronicities. Healing abilities. Absorption of consciousness into mystical states of unity, peace, light, or energy. Overwhelming waves of bliss. Sometimes seeing orbs, lights, etc.

What happens after kundalini Awakening symptoms and dangers
What happens after kundalini Awakening symptoms and danagers

Looking at the back of the dollar bill, you see the Eye-In-The-Triangle above a truncated pyramid. On the back of the $1 bill is a Masonic memorial to an ancient Universal Religion that flourished worldwide. The remnants of this religion are still visible in the eerily parallel ruins of truncated Pyramids and Eye symbols among many civilizations. Pyramids were temples where believers engaged in a powerful mystical practice called Awakening Our Third Eye, awakening symptoms long banned by the Church yet safeguarded by Western Secret Societies.

Egypt, Pyramids, the All-Seeing Eye.

Kundalini in ancient Sanskrit means illumination and enlightenment. It refers to the light you experience when you awaken your Third Eye and remember who you are (i.e., commune with your soul within). You are in union with the gods. The gods are demonic spirits, spirit guides, etc., connecting or permitting demonic spirits to control you.

The image of a single Eye is typical in Western Secret Societies. A single Eye is one of the key symbols in Freemasonry. The Eye is visible on Masonic temples and aprons, among other places, but it does not stand for God; it stands for the hidden Third Eye on your forehead.

Kundalini awakening symptoms and dangers:

But few of us notice the right and left sides marked by the twin pillars capped by the sun and moon in Kundalini Yoga, the Ida and Pingala channels.


The Kundalini yoga sun salute features postures (asanas) similar to those of Muslim solar salaat positions.

In Qiyaam the Muslim stands erect with his hands cupped together as he begins supplication (dua). The yogi stands erect as he begins his sun salute with his hands pointed up, palms together, in the “namaste” pose Christians use for prayer. Before each movement, the Muslim raises his hands to his ears and says “allau akbar.” The Yogi raises his hands all the way back.

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Kundalini form: Go to need ministry and fill out those forms first, then if you have Kundalini, I will ask you to fill out the Kundalini form.

by Traci Morin, Touch of God International Ministry of Healing and Deliverance through spiritual Warfare prayer

Servant and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Contemplative Prayer

Kundalini Warning


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