Be Aware of Kundalini Awakening Symptoms – P1
Posted on 12/15/2011 by Traci7
Kundalini Awakening symptoms are scary and coming deception within the Church – watch the video by Andrew Strom. Learn the Kundalini Awakening Symptoms.
Touch of God Healing and Deliverance Ministry is a ministry to help people who have awakened Kundalini awakening symptoms to get free.
What is Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Meaning
The word Kundalini means “the serpent power”. It is the common Hindu belief that within each person resides a “serpent” coiled tightly up at the base of the spine. Kundalini awakening is achieved through yoga, meditation, chanting, and even certain drugs and music beats. It is a pathway to supernatural power and godhood. Have you ever looked at a dollar bill and seen the Enlightenment? When you have a Kundalini awakening, it means you have illuminated. Higher levels of Freemasonry practice kundalini awakening. Kundalini energy is described as a powerful energy source lying dormant at the base of the spine. When awakened, Kundalini's energy or power can affect remarkable physical false “healings.” It mimics a false spirit, the holy spirit, which is very powerful. When you have a kundalini awakening, you connect to the second heaven, the kingdom of darkness. A door is open for demons to access your mind and body. When enlightened with kundalini awakening, it controls the minds of the whole person who has opened themselves to the false holy spirit. The Kundalini serpentine power, when released, goes up your spine to the top of your head, enlightenment. A person will feel the vibration throughout their whole being. Where did the practice of Kundalini come from? It comes from India and is a religious practice of Hinduism that uses Yoga as a source for kundalini awakening symptoms. When you have a Kundalini serpent energy and connect to demonic spirits, many times, you can receive secret occult knowledge, which God forbids. There is a price to pay. Awakening the kundalini is tormenting, and you cannot control it. Kundalini is practiced through Cabala. Cabala incorporates within the image of Sephiroth (the Tree of Life, a map of the Kundalini serpent up the human spine through chakras. Today, we have a new Gnostic awakening in many churches in America. Through contemplative prayer, soaking prayer, inner healing, etc. Who practices Cabala? Christian scientists, Mystic Jews, Mystic Christians – unfortunately, many Christians don’t know they are practicing gnostic practice in occultism.
kundalini snake symbol

The Kundalini snake symbol represents the potent energy known as Kundalini, which can be awakened through meditation. This serpent, often depicted coiled at the base of the spine, symbolizes cosmic energy and can be seen as a powerful evolutionary force within the human body. When the snake powers awaken, they can penetrate the depths of the subconscious mind, leading to enhanced self-awareness and spiritual growth. Embrace the symbolism of the Kundalini snake as a powerful reminder of the transformative energy within each of us. It can cause insanity because of the Kundalini awakening.
kundalini awakening horror stories
Some people awaken the Kundalini spirit and feel something go up and down their spine and into other chakra areas. This is demonic spirits operating in their bodies. They feel extreme heat or cold, and sometimes, their bodies twitch, which they cannot control. There are 7 stages of kundalini awakening that involves 7 chakras.
See Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening - see more of the kundalini awakening horror stories
Deliverance From Kundalini Spirit Symptoms
Breaking the Kundalini spirit is not easy. It requires multiple sessions to achieve success. Like Luke 11:21-22 dealing with the strongman, it holds in lesser demons. The Kundalini spirit pushes up the less-powerful Kundalini spirit first before eventually getting to the leading Kundalini spirit. In that order, you are also dealing with Leviathan, Python, cockatrice, Behemoth, and Jezebel spirits, and first, working with unforgiveness, self-unforgiveness, and breaking word curses spoken by the enemy and people. Then, we break curses or spells executed by witches, warlocks, root workers or any practitioner of witchcraft. You also have to deal with vows and judgments made. We look at many other areas to free the person from the kundalini awakening physical symptoms.
To get free through the process, a person must build themselves up in the spirit realm. That means building their faith to see that the Lord is far greater than Kundalini. They need to pray and fast.
Part One - Kundalini Side Effects
Part 2
False Holy Spirit
Part 3 - Kundalini Serpant Power
Now watch the Shocking Documentary False spirits invade the church – Part 1 – Kundalini awakening warning video by Andrew Strom. kundalini awakening horror stories.
Video from Andrew Strom Ministry!
By Traci Morin, President of Touch of God Int'l Ministries of Healing and Deliverance
When you mess around with Yoga, and other things that activate Kundalini Awakening, you will be tormented by evil spirits. You may need deliverance.

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