Are you looking for answers in regards to your asthmatic chronic conditions and tired of being sick? You are not alone. Let's look at how to silence asthma attack symptoms in children and adults and learn why Asthma is on the Rise.
Why Are Chronic Diseases on the Rise?
Did you know nearly half of Americans have one or more chronic diseases? That means that 45% - 133 million Americans – have one or more chronic disease. These diseases include Hypertension, Heart disease, diabetes, cancers, strokes, pulmonary conditions, and so on.
Chronic Diseases in Children on the Rise
The diagnosis of childhood chronic disease has almost quadrupled over the past four decades. Why? Because the increase in childhood obesity is placing the next generation at significant risk for developing chronic diseases earlier in life, but that is not the only factor for today's illness!
Silent Asthma Attack Symptoms in Children and Why is it on the Rise
The one chronic disease growing is Asthma. In the United States, about 17 million people have asthma. Nearly 5 million of them are children.
That means Nearly one in thirteen children in the US have asthma, and this percentage is growing more rapidly in preschool-age children than in any other group.
Annually, nationwide, there are over:
10.4 million physician visits
2 million emergency room visits
14 million school days missed
1.9 billion dollars spent on treatment
Approximately 17 million people in the United States suffer from asthma. About 5 million youngsters under 18 have asthma. Of those, over 1.3 million are under age 5. Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalizations in children. What is the spiritual root of Asthma, and why is it growing? Learn How to stop this vicious cycle in your homes.
The reason is our world is much different today then the 50's. Many mothers and fathers working some working 2 jobs. Children are alone much of the time. Divorce is also higher than before. Fathers may leave and remarry again. The child feels abandoned.
Second, much more people, and more cars and pollution that is triggering asthma more often. All these are issues that continues to arise in the homes that affect children's health. Maybe grew up with chain-smoking parent(s).
What is the Spirit Behind Asthma?
Did you know there is a spiritual root of Asthma? That spiritual root is a spirit of fear. Some of the issues related to fear:
-Fear of abandonment or not feeling safe growing up? Possibly literal abandonment by father, mother, or others (husbands/wives),
-Insecurity (fear-based) might have gained access.
-Sometimes, a broken heart comes out of generational abandonment issues. Did you walk on eggs around one of your parents?
-Others, because of lack of affirmation, have performance issues coming out of fear of abandonment and fear of rejection.
If you understand and deal with the spirit of fear. When we are in fear (conscious or unconscious), it builds up histomines and inflammation. That's why we need the peace of the Lord. 1 John 4:18 says perfect love casts out fear. The warfare is between our ears believing the lies. In Hebrews 5:13-14 (paraphrased), we have to get off the milk onto strong meat, discerning the good and the evil. The enemy throws fiery darts that we must put out (Ephes. 6:16). We need to renew our minds through the Word of Truth.
Does our Environment Cause Asthma?
Our environment can trigger asthma attacks. The body automatically removes pollutants when a person is at peace and not stressed. Stress = fear. If not at peace, and stressed, the body cannot work as efficiently and does not remove all the pollutants from the body. Unfortunately, we live in a world of stress today.
Jesus is our peace. In 1 John 4:18 "perfect love cast out fear." When I feel stressed, I imagine walking into God's presence to allow His peace to cover me.
How to Cure Asthma Forever - See Prayer Below to Silent Asthma Attack Symptoms
Eighty percent of diseases have a spiritual root issue. The culprit spirit is Fear, which comes from a lack of love. Also, abandonment issues, or maybe never being validated? Are you driven to prove yourself in everything?
Prayers on Deliverance from Asthma to Cure Asthma Forever
Do this prayer when suffering from an Asthma attack.
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I repent for agreeing with the spirit of fear, and I now break the power of fear that may have come in through generational curses or childhood traumatic events like abandonment. I cast the spirit of fear to the feet of Jesus. Father God, I also break the power of any insecurity I feel today. I also repent for agreeing with rejection and fear of rejection. My purpose and my being is in you and not others. I receive my purpose, and you have purchased and accepted me no matter what I do because nothing can separate me from your life. Plus, I can do all things through you that strengthen me.
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, heal my broken heart and remove any pain in the present or the past that I may have buried. Thank you for saying you came to heal all brokenhearted - Luke 4:18.
Father God, I repent for any drivenness of performance I have towards you when your love and salvation are a gift. I don't have to earn love from you. You already love me, and I have received it unconditionally. Help me to stay in peace and walk out of drivenness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Thank you for your perfect peace in 1 John 4:18 - perfect love casts out fear. It is God's love to receive. I speak over my body, especially healing my lungs, bronchioles, and alveoli for all the inflammation, swelling, and bronchial spasms. Stop now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and go back to complete peace since my God is a God that never abandons me. I put my trust in you.
Father God, I also command the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline to stop and return to normal balance.
Father God, I speak healing over my parasympathetic nervous system to return to peace.
Father God, I speak to my body and command the all-over secretion of histamine to stop and return to balance.
Father God, I speak to the hyper-responsible airways to return to peace.
Father God, I speak to the long-term memory of my mind believing the lie that I would be abandoned. I break all programming of thinking and responding out of fear, causing the airways to contract, constrict, or swell. I break all programming now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Father God, if from pollutants like excessive cigarette smoke, cleanse my lungs from any scar tissue built up in my breathing bronchioles and alveoli, and I command all inflammation to cease and go back to peace.
I thank you, Lord, that you are the great healer and sent your son to die for me; by his stripes, I am healed. In Psalm 103:3, you came to heal ALL diseases, and I stand on that promise that I am healed and no longer have to live in fear.
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When you feel an asthma attack coming on, take the time to stop, pray over yourself, cast your stress on the Lord, and step into His presence. Once you enter His presence, you can learn to let go of your stress because perfect peace brings peace. Then, you can silence asthma attack symptoms.
by: Teresa Morin, Touch of God of Healing and Deliverance Prayer
A good book on the spiritual roots of disease:
It is an excellent book to read to understand
why humanity has the disease.
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