Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free

How to remove fear from the mind and have victory
It is reframing your thoughts it is essential to take five steps to change fear to peace of mind and heart. Reframing is when we decide not to hang on to old perceptions that have worked against us. It means choosing a different, godly, more productive way of thinking.
Five Steps to Change Fear to Peace of Mind and Heart
Learn five steps to change fear to peace of mind:
Stay calm. If you react, you will probably react how you've always responded. Are your reactions positive or negative?
Identify the situation. When exactly, and indeed, is happening?
Identify the automatic thoughts that cause the negative response. If someone breaks something in your house, you automatically respond to panic. You cannot control what breaks, you can control how to perceive it. Instead of thinking the automatic response, identify the thought, take it captive, and make it obedient to Christ.
Find objective, supportive evidence. Deal with the reality. Yes, things are going to break in your home. Trust God, find a scripture to stand on, and renew your mind with truth. There is no reason to freak out.
You can take these steps, but you cannot control what happens. Visit my website at and get my free ebook.
Do you have any questions? Contact me.
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