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 Touch of God - Prayer Request For Healing

Fill out Free Christian Prayer Request for Healing - Prayer of Intercession

Join our online intercessory prayer community

Looking for Prayer?

  • Come expecting answered prayers! All will be prayed for expecting Deliverance from, Generational Curses, miscarriages, witchcraft, infirmities, diseases evil holds, praying for salvation for family members or friends.  We take your prayer request and pray over your needs. You can also pray over your prayer request on the Prayer of Intercession Private Facebook Group.​

    We believe in the power of prayer for the body of Christ to care about you and your healing prayer needs. Prayers can provide comfort, strength, healing, and peace amid arduous circumstances. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. And, as you ask, Believe. Praying holy ghost prayers for others is essential. 
  • Prayer Line: Fill out the form below and click the prayer form button to complete your prayer request. Again, on Tuesday nights,  we pray over the prayer needs at Prayer of Intercession Facebook Private Group at 10:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (Chicago Time). Everyone is welcome to join the group. You will need to agree with the rules. 
  • We would love you to join us if you want to sign up. We believe prayer is essential. Send a prayer request for healing today! When you fill out the form, you will receive a free book, "Power Through Prayer."








    FREE Prayer Request Online

    Facebook Live; Do you want prayer, even if I only mention your first name, and don't mention where you are from
    Do you need deliverane and for me to contact you through email?

    Fill out the prayer request today! We pray on Tuesday nights live and at other times during my prayer time. Get your free book today just by filling out the form.

    Power of prayer book

    Thanks for submitting!

    Each submission of data you provide, the Touch of God explicitly states that they will not sell your personal information to any other company or third party.

    free webinar replay - renew your mind - defeating negative thoughts god's way

    FREE Webinar

    Overwhelmed and unable to focus on your day, feeling intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about the everyday situation? Is it interfering with daily activities? Do you feel alone and isolated? Maybe you avoid places ... work, family, get-togethers, and other social situations that may trigger or worsen your symptoms. 

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