THRIVE - Women Mentoring Women Leadership
As this movement grows, we are a group of women who love to come alongside other women to strengthen, encourage, affirm, and support them as they grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
Some women feel lonely or abandoned by family members and need someone understanding. Also, encourage to participate to get solid teaching and ministry to heal the brokenhearted, pain of the past, etc. We are an online women-to-women mentoring relationship.
The Mentor's role is to be a friend, a spiritual guide, and a prayer partner to whomever she is mentoring. We desire to help women make vital connections online through Thrive Group Mentorship. We believe every woman would benefit from having a Mentor!
Mentoring in the Bible
Titus 2:3-5: “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”
To learn more about Thrive Menorship Group, click on the button.

The Goal of Mentor Leadership Training
To encourage growth in the Mentee’s relationship with God through women mentoring women.
Prayer, individually and with others
Encourage participants to participate in the bible teachings, in knowledge, understanding, application, and ministry.
Fellowship, demonstrating the love and grace of Jesus in relating to family, friends, co-workers, and others.
Thrive Group Mentoring is a new program. As it progresses and I see women with good leadership skills, I will ask them to do a four-week leadership development program to train with practical leadership skills and release them as good leaders.
Since this is a new group being launched, looking for virtual worship leaders to lead worship with the women.

Get Involved
Your support is vital to our work at Touch of God Int'l is mentoring women. You can contribute to this new program in many ways, and every little you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved by exploring the opportunities below. Note: This is for members only. Learn how you can become a member of THRIVE Group Mentoring.
Mentoring is Not
Mentoring is not…
a program to grow church attendance
a box to check off on a church to-do list
only for those with a seminary degree
Mentoring is
Relationship between two people
a bridge between generations
a tool for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical growth.
Those part of the group will go through training to become equipped.
The mentor…
is an authentic Christ follower and growing spiritually
is a good listener
shares what God has done in her life
comes alongside the next generation to guide and encourage
follows God’s agenda
sets her own agenda aside
is approachable
is willing to discuss any topic or situation