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Freemasonry - Masonic symbols images meanings- Get your free book

It is crucial to understand the inherent spiritual implications of involvement in Freemasonry, as it is believed that participants can be subject to generational curses due to the rituals and vows associated with the practice. These curses, from sickness and financial obstacles to spiritual barriers with loved ones, are believed to transcend family lines and impact future generations. Therefore, Christians may seek deliverance to break free from these supposed curses and negative influences. By renouncing past involvements with Freemasonry and seeking spiritual intervention, they aim to cleanse themselves and their bloodlines from any perceived spiritual entanglements that may hinder their well-being and relationship with God. Ultimately, for a Christian seeking deliverance, it becomes necessary to reclaim spiritual freedom and live a life aligned with their faith.  Download a complimentary copy of Freemasonry Exposed

Concrete Wall
Freedom from the Effects of Freemasonry

By Teresa Morin
President of Touch of God

Int'l Ministries of Healing and Deliverance

Freemasonry Exposed - Free Masonic History and Masonic Sympbol Images

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"Finding Freedom: A Journey to Deliverance"

If you need deliverance from Freemasonry, please click on the Deliverance Freemasonry link and follow the directions.

Symptoms of Freemasonry Curses


Deuteronomy 28 states that we will be blessed if we keep God’s commandments. Freemasonry puts all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee (cursed shall be your Family, Home, land, crops, animals, etc.) The Lord shall send upon thee cursing...vexation... rebuke…pestilences…consumption...diseases....madness…blindness...etc. Read all of Deuteronomy 28:


Putting a sharp object over the chest - the curses: Heart & lung problems, asthma, and other chest-related complaints—also, breast cancer in female members of the family.


Suicide has become a very serious problem in society, in fact it is in epidemic proportions, claiming countless lives, the majority being young people.


Mental Disorders, Brain tumors, Strokes, Brain Hemorrhages, Migraine Headaches, mouth, throat, ear, nose, and eye problems, including deafness and blindness—all these things, plus many more—can be associated with the ritual of ‘the black bag’ over the head or ‘the blindfold’ at Initiation.


Masonic Oaths are all of a violent nature, representing death and destruction.


This causes ‘spiritual blindness,’ which causes them to reject their great need to be saved.


There are afflictions of family problems, divisions in the family, broken marriages, sickness, disease, obsessions, addictions etc.


 In families where there is a history of barrenness, miscarriages, or loss of children, there is undoubtedly a curse outworking on the fruit of the womb.


Financial Curses: Families have all sorts of unexplained lack e.g financially. T

 Articles on Freemasonry


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