Breaking-FREE Texas Healing and Deliverance Ministry Seminars
Coming Soon
At the Breaking FREE Texas deliverance seminar, you will receive practical teaching on entry points for demonic strongholds and how to close the door. It is your opportunity to Be Healed, Set Free, and Empowered with Freedom. Let God touch your spirit, soul, and body for freedom.

Issues Addressed at Seminar
Tactics of the enemy – the nuts and bolts about the demonic realm
Spiritual roots of sickness and diseases
Overview of what is curse – generational and word curses
Separation: God, self or others
Soul ties, godly and ungodly, hold us in bondage to a person
Occult sins, including Freemasonry, martial arts, alternative healing
How do past traumas are door points to the spirit of fear.
Walkout – Get free and stay free!
Dates: Coming Soon – Sign up for the newsletter for specific dates.
Location: To be anounced...
To be Announced!

Teresa Morin
President of Touch of God
Breaking FREE Healing and Deliverance Seminar - Coming Soon
We pray group prayers for specific issues for healing through deliverance after each teaching. At the end of the spiritual warfare deliverance conference, Sunday evening, personal ministry with our anointed team. Our wish is to see you set free by removing emotional bondage. We are about disease prevention and eradication … not disease management. Deliverance and Spiritual Healing seminars are scheduled quarterly over two days.
A Two-Step Registration Process – early registration is $55 per individual – seats will be limited. See other prices below!
Are Children Allowed To Attend?
Yes, ages 12 and up and who can be quiet.
Is There Childcare?
No, we are meeting at a hotel.
Cannot make it to the seminar? Schedule a personal one-on-one deliverance session.
Conference Schedule - Coming Soon
Saturday Schedule:

Registration Check-in: Saturday: 11:45 a.m.
Conference Sessions: 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Breaks after each session (3 sessions)

Dinner Break: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. - see the list of restaurants near the area.
Conference Sessions: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (2 sessions)
Sunday Schedule:

Check In: 1 to 1:30 p.m.

Conference Session: 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (2 sessions)

Personal Ministry: 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. or later - (1:1 for those who need more ministry.

Looking for a hotel to stay at? See a list of hotels near the Atrium Hotel.
Event Ticket Cost and Registration
Early Bird Registration fees increase on the day of the conference – Receive a free book by Derek Prince “Weapons of Our Spiritual Warfare.” A two-step registration process.
$45 - Single Person (not including seminar course manual)
$60.00 - Single Person (with Child) - (not including seminar course manual)
$90.0 - Married Couple (not including seminar course manual)
$105.00 - Married Couple with Child(ren)
$39.00 - 3-Ring Seminar Course Manual (order before ___.)
Late Registration (at the door):
$55.00 - Single Person (not including manual)
$70.00 - Single Person with child(ren) (not including manual)
$100.00 - Married Couple (not including manual)
$115.00 - Married Couple with child(ren) (not including manual)
$55.00 - 3-ring Deliverance Seminar Course - ordered at the door (limited supplies)
A Two-Step Registration Process – get your e-ticket to reserve your seat.
Experience a powerful encounter with God that lead to freedom and fullness.

You will fill out the form before going to the payment page.